This tidy little piece of German engineering was brought to Hancox Vehicle Care for an Enhanced Wash. Usually the client would use the local car wash but after reading about the lengths I go to in car care they were convinced to bring the vehicle to me.
It was already in great condition but the client wanted a safe wash that wouldn’t be causing hidden damage that would leave a dull lack lustre paintwork in the future.
Check out the before shots;
The deep red colour and styling lines of this vehicle made it a real pleasure to clean and enhance. The paintwork looked so much better from just a liquid wax and the plastics, rubbers and chrome work came up a treat. It was recommended to the client to have a Gold Package as soon as the weather permits. Red is a great colour for sporty cars but is the quickest to be effected by the sun. A Gold Package would leave this car looking stunning and offer the greatest protection for many months to come.
Check out the after shots;
Check out how the liquid wax causes a barrier between the paintwork and water causing it to bead.